nis america

  • Lapis X Labyrinth Lights Up My Life

    In Lapis X Labyrinth, NIS America’s new dungeon crawler coming to PlayStation 4 and Switch on June 7, a totem-like stack of four adorable adventurers dive into dungeons, seeking their fortune. It’s cute and chaotic, until the fever meter fills, at which point it gets even more cute and chaotic. The music changes, the scenery…

  • The Longest Five Minutes: The Kotaku Review

    The Longest Five Minutes: The Kotaku Review

    The Longest Five Minutes presents its basic fantasy tale as a series of flashbacks experienced by its amnesiac main character during the game’s final battle. It takes an otherwise generic retro turn- based RPG and turns it into something special. Wait, I’m already at the end of the review? How did I get here?