
  • This Week In The Business: Packing It Up

    This Week In The Business: Packing It Up

    “Perfect World as a public company has a profitability goal and they decided to cut parts of the company that were not profitable. In short, Gigantic was not making enough revenue.” That’s Motiga founder and CEO Chris Chung says the closure of his studio was a corporate decision.

  • This Week In The Business: The Re-Making Of A Metroid

    This Week In The Business: The Re-Making Of A Metroid

    “When you deal with them at a close distance, you understand why they are who they are. I’m not going to lie to you; they are extremely demanding. They require the very best constantly, all the time, and beyond. But it’s been a great experience.” That’s MercurySteam studio head Enric Alvarez describing what it was…