
  • Let’s End The GIF/JIF Pronunciation Debate Right Now 

    Let’s End The GIF/JIF Pronunciation Debate Right Now 

    Photo by Sander van der Wel Once a week, for the past eight-odd years, I overhear it: “It’s GIF, not JIF.” “Actually, it’s officially JIF.” If the arguers are educated in the subject, they will rattle through their supporting arguments: It’s JIF because its inventor says so and it’s like “giraffe;” it’s GIF because it…

  • 7 Deadly Sins Of Worldbuilding

    7 Deadly Sins Of Worldbuilding

    Worldbuilding is an essential part of any work of fiction. But especially for science fiction or fantasy, it’s the lifeblood of storytelling. But when worldbuilding fails, it can wreck your whole story, and leave your characters feeling pointless. Here are seven deadly sins of worldbuilding.