Wrap-o-matic: Thursday Night

Double PS3 Frankenreview: UT3 and The Orange Box
Everyone loves a double feature. Especially when it’s comprised of two excellent shooters.

Ubisoft Reveals Web-Based Might And Magic
Best of all, it’s free to play. Why can’t all games be like this?

Far Cry 2, EndWar, Hell’s Highway Delayed
It’s not like we were waiting for these games. Oh wait – WE WERE. Suck it, shareholders.

Terry Pratchett Diagnosed With Early Onset Alzheimer’s
Sad news about a fantastic author. Definitely not a good omen.

Turok Devs Re-Consider Fragicide Achievement
Because a reward for team killing had “win” written on it from the start. Not.

Xbox Australia Go Numbers MAD
Guys, we really have to stop buying accessories. It’s making Microsoft hungry.

Rockstar Wii Mod Beats Hearts, Not Hookers
A nice Wii mod, definitely, but why be so corporate?


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