Live In Sydney? Come And Watch My Show!

prod_us.jpgTime for your off-topic weekend post! You’ve been warned.

A good friend and I are putting on two shows in August at UNSW’s Studio One – The Dumb Waiter by Harold Pinter, and The Zoo Story by Edward Albee. Not sure what they’re about, here’s a description:

The Dumb Waiter: An absurdist comedy set in England, that finds two hitmen waiting in a room for instructions on their next target. As things get more and more bizarre, tensions rise…

The Zoo Story: Seemingly at random, Jerry approaches Peter, who is trying to read peacefully on a park bench. Despite Peter’s protests, Jerry simply keeps talking with furious intent, about his apartment, about his family, about his life and about a dog… what is it that he wants?

So, if you live in Sydney, and don’t have plans between August 12-16, book yourself a ticket or two and prepare for some great theatre. I’ll even be there, doing the whole director thing, if the prospect of meeting me excites you. I know it gets me tingling.

The Dumb Waiter & The Zoo Story [Sketched Out Productions]


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