Hidden Gems: Classic Arcade Gaming Near You?

Is there a pool hall, milk bar, caravan park or corner shop near you that still has some classic arcade action hidden away in the back corner like it’s 1985? If so, we’re hoping you can share the joy with the hordes of Kotaku Australia readers who want to find out where to relive the days when home consoles were a real luxury, the best games were paid for 20c at a time, and the cabinet art was far superior to the graphics on screen.

We want photos, descriptions, addresses, Google Streetviews, whatever you can do to help others find these precious nuggets of classic gaming and gather to put down their favourite three letters on the top of the list.

If you can start the ball rolling, send your pics, links and write ups to the tips *AT* kotaku *DOT* com *DOT* au address. Hopefully there are enough of these locations out there to keep the gems flowing for the weeks and months to come. Any predictions on which state will turn up the most gems?


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