This is the post where you get to show off your gaming setup and collection to the entire world. Let’s take a look now!
The idea of Show Us Yours is you take some photos of your games collection or your gaming room or your gaming cupboard or whatever else you have in your house that is about you playing games. You then send us your photos along with a few comments about what makes yours so special. Then we publish it here on a Thursday afternoon.
Today it’s the turn of Daniel M and his extremely eclectic collection. (Click to enlarge each pic.)
We’ll start in contemporary times.
Cool. Oversized TV? Check. PlayStation 3? Check. Nintendo Wii? Check. Bookcase full of PS3, PS2, Wii games and DVDs? Check, check, check, and check. A predictable beginning, all told.
But wait, what’s this…?
An utterly magnificent retro console collection, that’s what. And not just a collection, either, but a working collection all still hooked up to an assortment of standard-def screens. And – oh yes – they’re displayed, from left to right, in chronological order from the NES and Master System all the way to the Gamecube, Xbox and Dreamcast.
Sure, there’s nothing out of the ordinary when you consider what other consoles have been released over that period of time – there’s no Virtual Boy, for instance, or PC Engine – but that doesn’t diminish the dedication evident in this setup. The man still plays all these consoles. That is what counts.
Also, he has Hulk hands.
But what’s this? Is there something else in the room?
Not one, nor two, nor three… but four arcade cabinets! The first one, the big black one, is actually a dedicated MAME unit. Daniel doesn’t say what games he has for it, but I expect the answer is: all of them. I can’t quite make out what games are housed in the other three cabinets. Can you guess?
And, yeah, when it gets dark, this happens…
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