Capcom has launched a Resident Evil alternate reality game (ARG) in preparation for the release of their upcoming shooter, Resident Evil: operation Raccoon City.
Two sites have been set up for the game: an “official” Umbrella Corporation recruitment page that slowly gets hacked if you sit on the page for more than 30 seconds (it also features one of the creepiest-looking babies I have seen in a while), and the website of a rebel who asks that public to join him in his fight against the corporation.
The rebel urges participants to help him reveal the truth about the evils that the Umbrella Corporation is about to unleash on Raccoon City by finding evidence based on the clues that he provides each week. Participants can follow him on Twitter @insertedevil and check back at the the Inserted Evil website regularly for more clues, and once evidence has been found, new information about the game’s characters and the game itself will be revealed.
The site has hinted that there will be real prizes for those who do well in scouring the web for evidence, although this is yet to be confirmed.
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