If wall scrolls and pre-order bonuses are your thing, then you might want to head into JB Hi-Fi at some stage and slap the cash down for Asura’s Wrath, Street Fighter X Tekken or Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City.
According to the JB site, the scrolls are exclusive to the retailer, so no need for collectors to look elsewhere (other than eBay once the games are available). Each game will set you back $89 and are available on Xbox 360 and PS3, with the exception of Raccoon City, which is also coming out on PC.
Not sure how big the scrolls are — I couldn’t find dimensions on the website — and it’d be nice to see a photo to at least try and judge the quality of the printing, but I’m sure they’ll look nice in whatever room you’ve claimed as your gaming den. Even if said den is simply your toilet, having Ryu’s oddly-proportioned hand staring you in the face from the back of the bog door has a… certain allure. Right?
Capcom Bonuses [JB Hi-Fi, thanks Ethan]
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