I received an email late last week, from Glenn Taylor, asking me to throw up a post inviting everyone to post their New Year’s Gaming resolutions. His was to spend less money on AAA titles to help save up for his wedding, and play through his pile of shame on Steam instead, but what are your New Year’s gaming resolutions?
Now that I think about it, I have a few.
– To build a new gaming PC (mine’s is starting to show its age a bit).
– To actually spend more time PC gaming.
– To enjoy playing games a bit more instead of having them feel like a chore.
– To finally finish Shadow of the Colossus and Ico.
– To not continue playing games I don’t enjoy just for the sake of it.
That’s just a few, but what about you guys? Are resolutions stupid to begin with making gaming resolutions a hundred times more stupid? Let us know in the comments below!
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