In Japan, “otome” (maiden) games give players a slew of handsome men from which to choose. A recent game offers much more than that. Say hello to buggy men!
New Japanese smartphone game Boyfriend (Fictitious) is amusing people on Twitter with its unusual dreamboats. Here, have a look (via Otaku News):
These aren’t bugs, they’re handsome features!
配信開始された『ボーイフレンド(仮)』がハゲや顔だけになるイケメン台無しバグ大発生でお祭り騒ぎにwwwwwwwww [オタクニュース]
Photos: うう, Ax5tyn_, smrgsk, akiya_0524, kool023, NovemRpion, nkak1227, Kuji, Kabu, Shime, Osshii, Light_v2, k_r_mr101_1, ykr080, ykr080