One of my Twitter friends, who shall remain nameless, suggested I play a free early access Steam game called Spooky’s House of Jump Scares. That nameless Twitter friend is obviously trying to kill me. He almost succeeded.
I do not do well with jump scares. Where others gasp lightly, perhaps chuckling at the silliness of the situation, I make horrible noises while my mouse hand jumps all over the place, causing the first-person viewpoint of a game like Spooky‘s to jerk about like I’ve been electrocuted.
Not all 1000 rooms Lag Studios plans for full release are in the game yet, but that’s OK — I only manage to make it to room 165, some 30 minutes in, before I am no longer a going concern.
Here’s an edited look at the highlights (well, for you they’re highlights) of that 30-minute descent into the depths of Spooky’s House of Jump Scares.
The initial cuteness only makes it worse.