High school teacher Mike McCray knows a lot about chemistry and absolutely nothing about Fortnite. It’s the opposite for some of his students. And after winning a bet, those students might have a better chance at passing McCray’s class.
McCray teaches chemistry at Tippecanoe High School in Ohio. According to him, McCray came to an agreement with his students: He’d make their second semester exam about Fortnite if they received 6700 retweets on a tweet asking for the topic switch – a random number he picked. McCray told Kotaku, “The challenge started by a student asking me to pick a number, and I said something like 11.235, and they said to pick a whole number, so I said 6700. The students then said if they got 6700 retweets would I make their final exam about Fortnite, so I said yes.”
Twitter do your thing please help me I need to pass this class #Fortnite #APChem #APChemistry pic.twitter.com/izckLvrbFx
— Jilli Zuz (@JillianZuzolo) February 23, 2018
After that, Twitter did its magic. The tweet went viral. “I don’t have a Twitter account, so I didn’t really know if this was feasible or not,” McCray said. “Obviously it must have been, since somebody told me it got up to about 30K retweets.”
Now McCray is planning how to turn a chemistry exam into one about paragliders and pistols. “To be honest with you, I play zero video games, so I had no idea what the kids were talking about,” McCray said. “I’ll just make up chemistry questions that involve Fortnite terminology I suppose.”
2 responses to “Students Win Bet, Get Teacher To Make Final Exam About Fortnite”
HAHAHA “I’ll just make up chemistry questions that involve Fortnite terminology I suppose.”
A lot of people are going to fail that exam.
Never played fortnite, would 100% lodge an academic grievance.