One of the best things about board gaming is gaming with other people in real life. One of the hardest things about board gaming can be finding other gamers in real life. Thankfully, the internet is here to help.
Aussie board gamer and Northside Gamers legend, Craig Somerton, recently put together a neat little thing on Google Maps to help you find other gamers.
Using the power of Facebook, BoardGameGeek and word of mouth, Craig put together this list of board gaming groups all over Australia, with the information you need, such as when and where they meet. You can find the game groups I go to, Ticket to Ryde (in Ryde), and Northside Gamers (in Chatswood) here, as well as groups from Townsville to Hobart, Broken Hill to Perth.
If you’re looking for gamers, this is a great little resource. If your board game group isn’t here and you want it to be, Craig’s set up a little Google form to submit your gaming group.
Happy gaming!
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