Earlier this year, Zotac announced the successor to its VR GO backpack PC, the aptly-named VR GO 2.0. At the time, the company was cagey about specifications, but has now released complete information about the internals, revealing the 2.0 as more of a refinement than a straight upgrade.
Interestingly, it’s not a great leap forwards from the first model, with the main difference being an updated CPU — the i7-6700T switched out for a i7-8700T. Actually, the specs have gone down in some areas, notably the battery capacity, 6000mAh instead of 6600mAh. This equates to an hour and a half of play-time.
Otherwise, the 4.72kg backpack comes with the same graphics card, 240GB SSD, and 16GB RAM. Here are the full specs:
- Intel Core i7-8700T (six-core, 2.4 GHz, up to 4.0 GHz)
- GeForce GTX 1070 8GB GDDR5 256-bit (2x HDMI 2.0, DP 1.4)
- M.2 240GB M.2 SATA SSD
- Card Reader 3-in-1 (SD/SDHC/SDXC)
- 2x 6000mAh batteries
- Dimensions: 347.5 x 280.4 x 87.1mm
The expected price is around $US1999, or $2755 in local bucks. That said, the VR GO 2.0 doesn’t appear available in Australia, but the original can be found if you go looking… for $3899. At that price, you’d probably be better off building your own.
VR GO 2 [Zotac, via Liliputing]
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