Holiday Matsuri has quickly grown to become one of the biggest and best cosplay shows in the US. And it’s not hard seeing why: who wouldn’t want to escape the chills of a US winter for a resort in the middle of December?
[referenced url=”” thumb=”” title=”Cosplay Wishes You A Very Merry Christmas” excerpt=”The last major cosplay show for the year is Holiday Matsuri, aka Holmat, which takes place every December in Orlando, Florida.”]
Below you’ll find a selection of video and photos taken by Mineralblu from the event—held at the Orlando World Center Marriott from December 14-16—which in addition to featuring some A++ cosplay, also stars some cosplayers getting very much into the holiday spirit.
You’ll find a cosplayer’s Instagram handle, as well as the character they’re cosplaying as, watermarked on each image below.