Community Review: Far Cry New Dawn

Last week was chockers in terms of releases. So we’re going to spread the community review out a little this week, and we’ll start things off with the heavily neon-coloured backdrop of Hope County, Montana.

I’m talking about Far Cry New Dawn, a direct sequel to Far Cry 5 which takes place in the same town. Mechanically, most of what was in FC5 has returned, and some of the thematic threads in Hope County have returned a little stronger, too.

But as Heather found, New Dawn was structurally more coherent. The art direction is definitely a strong point, and Seed is a stronger villain – not a great one, but more fleshed out nonetheless. Hope County is very much a literal Garden of Even in New Dawn, something that becomes powerfully apparent when you begin doing expeditions into the bombed out, grey wastelands outside of Hope County.

[referenced url=”” thumb=”–LSwRn48j–/c_scale,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/b8n6hvxvfb1iq6jvytr5.png” title=”Far Cry New Dawn: The Kotaku Review” excerpt=”Mechanically, Far Cry New Dawn is the same game we’ve been playing since 2012’s Far Cry 3. Underneath the gloss, it is more complicated but one message rings clear: Even in Paradise, there will always be snakes. And you, Player One, will get to kill them in the most spectacular ways imaginable.”]

It’s a faster game than Far Cry 5, and a smaller one. That might be worth knowing if you deliberately skipped Far Cry 5 out of concerns with how much meaningless stuff Ubi tends to jam into these games.

But for those who have jumped back into Montana, how have you found Far Cry New Dawn?


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