Five More Minutes From Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

We’re only a few days away from From Software’s latest punishing adventure from dominating social media. Ahead of that, the developers have released a five minute how-to explaining a chunk of the game’s systems and mechanics.

For Bloodborne and Dark Souls fans, a lot of the boss fights and general encounters will largely pan out how you expect. Enemies have attack patterns, with some of the larger ones having attacks that can’t be blocked or countered.

So perhaps the biggest note revolves around resurrection. The Wolf has the ability to resurrect once after falling in battle, but they’re “vulnerable” after doing so. If you die a second time while in that state, you’ll lose “valuable resources” and potentially other consequences, which the video doesn’t really outline. What’s important to note is that resting at an idol (Sekiro‘s bonfires, probably) or landing a one-hit kill Shinobi Death Blow (which isn’t always a silent kill – you can trigger this by deflecting enough until an enemy’s posture breaks) breaking an enemy’s guard, will reset the resurrection counter.

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice launches on PC, PS4 and Xbox One this Friday.


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