Community Review: Wolfenstein Youngblood

So everyone’s had a chance to play — or at least watch — what MachineGames and Arkane have done with the Wolfenstein franchise. But how have you found it so far?

The public reception has been pretty divergent. I spoke to a couple of friends just yesterday, one of whom was a little surprised at the broader reception to Youngblood. I don’t know what their public social feeds are like, but I have an idea of what they were reading.

[referenced url=”” thumb=”×231.png” title=”Wolfenstein: Youngblood: The Kotaku Review” excerpt=”I am generally suspicious of games that people say are “better with friends,” simply because most things are. Manual labour, paying taxes, repeatedly hitting your thumb with a hammer — these are all things that are “better with friends.” Humans are social creatures, and company can make both miserable and pleasant things a whole lot better. “Better with friends” is rarely a good selling point.”]

I made a conscious decision to skip Youngblood purely for practical reasons — I knew the US would be covering the game, and Tegan is a massive Fire Emblem fan, so I’d get plenty of exposure to both those games. But catching up on a lot of gameplay over the last week, I’m not feeling that compelled to give Youngblood a go. The enemies are a lot squishier than what I want from a Wolfenstein game, and the structure sacrifices some of the deliberate, organised beats that I loved from The New Order.

But that’s just an assessment from what I’ve read and the gameplay footage I’ve seen. I’m curious how you’ve all found the game from your own experiences. Is Youngblood worth it, better on sale, or should I give it a pass entirely?


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