The No Man’s Sky community is full of creative players doing interesting things with the game, such as making a rudimentary version of Rocket League. One player used footage and assets from the game to recreate the classic opening for Dragon Ball Z, and it’s hilarious.
While I am more familiar with the American dubbed version of Dragon Ball Z than the original, I still have to admit that the Japanese theme song, “Head Cha La” is a banger. Combined with visuals from No Man’s Sky, it’s perfect. Look out for an unsettling Anime Sean Murray, though. I’m not sure I like that part.
TBSStudios, who made the clip, said on Reddit that the video was filmed in parts of the Galactic Hub, which is an in-game community of players that work together to catalogue No Man’s Sky’s universe and help new players.
“The greenscreen parts filmed on a separate save- unfortunately, I had to delete my creative save to try out Beyond,” they wrote. “Should’ve backed it up first.”
Thanks to TBSStudios I’ll be humming “cha la! Head cha la!” to myself all day. Maybe next time I explore the universe in No Man’s Sky, I’ll find some dragons.
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