Blacksmith Creates Real, Flaming Overwatch Hammer

There are a lot of smaller, easier props you could make if you wanted to recreate a weapon from Overwatch, but nope, H-art has skipped past all of those and forged himself an enormous replica of Reinhardt’s hammer.

Unlike most replicas you’ll see, which will have been made with foam and/or wood, H-art torched, welded and hammered this together out of scrap metal, before installing some flamethrowers in the head to mimic the weapon’s jet-powered thrust.

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[referenced url=”” thumb=”×231.jpg” title=”After A Stroke, This Aussie Started Making Killer 3D Printed Cosplays” excerpt=”After a stroke, Joshua Hawthorn was told he wouldn’t work again – but cabin fever soon set in and he pushed himself to learn new skills while he applied for jobs. In 2015, he started a tech company called Grizzly Technical Solutions aiming to sell computers, but he didn’t sell a single one. What he did do is develop a phenomenal portfolio of 3D cosplays, after a request from a friend sent him down a brilliant new path.”]


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