What Are You Playing This Weekend?

An interesting consequence of the ban system in competitive Overwatch is that life has become real hell for certain support characters just trying to go about their day.

I’ve recently had a lot of fun mauling poor supports in Overwatch with Ashe, who has become incredibly easy to use in a post-Widowmaker/McCree world. Bob’s matriarch is an absolute wrecking ball when it comes to the lives of Zenyatta, Ashe, Moira, and even characters like Echo, since she’s able to dish out so much damage from range in a way that is supremely difficult to counter right now.

[referenced url=”https://www.kotaku.com.au/2020/04/overwatch-echo-deep-dive-latest-hero-pc-ps4-xbox-switch/” thumb=”https://www.kotaku.com.au/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2020/04/overwatch-echo-11-410×231.jpg” title=”A Deep Dive Into Overwatch’s Latest Hero, Echo” excerpt=”With Echo, Overwatch is about to see the greatest overhaul of its meta in the game’s history since the change to hero limits and role queuing. It’s not just that there’s a new hero. It’s Echo’s threat as an aerial DPS and potentially the most game-breaking ultimate: the ability to copy other heroes and chain multiple ultimates in the space of seconds.”]

So I’m looking forward to smashing my way through a bit more Overwatch on the weekend. A mate of mine is sitting around 3100 SR for DPS, and I’m a full 1000 points behind, so I’d like to at least get back to 2600-2700 (where I was a couple of seasons ago).

Beyond that, I’ll be playing more Valorant with mates. The game is extremely my jam right now, especially with its MR12 round system. It’s just easier to fit in a game of Valorant than a game of CS:GO, as much as I still love that game. I’ve also got to spend some time with Iron Harvest today, as well as Cloudpunk which looks incredible.

What are you playing over the weekend? And don’t forget as a fun bonus – if you’re looking for some friendly faces to group up with, come join our Discord channel! It’s very chill.


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