PS5, PlayStation Vr And All The Sony PlayStation News

If you’re after PS5 news, word on PlayStation VR, the PlayStation Store, Sony’s ecosystem, PS Now or what’s happening at Sony, this is the home for you.

  • 16 Things Every New PS5 Owner Should Try Or Consider

    16 Things Every New PS5 Owner Should Try Or Consider

    So, you got your hands on a PlayStation 5. Congrats! You’re officially in the next generation of console gaming, a member of an exclusive club allowed to play games about malicious space tentacle monsters and whatever the hell a lombax is. The PS5 might seem like a straightforward (if oddly shaped) gaming console, but it’s…

  • The Biggest Gaming Disappointments Of 2021

    The Biggest Gaming Disappointments Of 2021

    Hell-year 2021 is almost over. It’s been a terrible year for more reasons than I can count. Pondering all the bad, disappointing, or just plain sad news that transpired within the video game industry alone is enough to make you want to jump into bed, hide under the covers, and binge on TikTok, candy, and/or…