Gaming Reviews
Let expert reviewers guide you on which games to play. From consoles to RPGS and shooters, we’ve got it all here just waiting for you to read.
Ticket To Ride Legacy: Legends of the West Review: A Must Play Legacy Game
Ticket To Ride is THE gateway board game. Legends of the West is the legacy version for those who want to go beyond just the classic game.
NBA 2K24: The Kotaku Australia Review
NBA 2K24 doesn’t respect the player’s time or intelligence. Its brazen lunges for the player’s wallet overshadow its fading positive qualities
Final Fantasy XVI Reviews Are Calling It The Best FF Installment In A Decade
Final Fantasy XVI has received near-universal praise for its boss battles and combat system, but the setting has some reviewers divided.
LEGO Wildflowers Review: A Set Best Built In A Meditative Trance
LEGO’s Botanicals range has been kicking absolute goals since it was introduced in 2021. All the sets look beautifully built, to the point where they’ve become the perfect AFOL (adult fan of LEGO) gateway drug for many people who wouldn’t have considered the hobby otherwise. In a follow-up to 2021’s LEGO Flower Bouquet, the new…