
  • Dragon Ball Z’s Goku Is A Good Dad, No Matter What People Say

    Dragon Ball Z’s Goku Is A Good Dad, No Matter What People Say

    Goku is misunderstood. Memes and misinterpretations have greatly contributed to some inaccurate conclusions about the Dragon Ball Z character — with perhaps the most common misconstrual being that Goku is a bad dad. This perception of Goku’s fatherly abilities have been perpetuated by jokes and memes that have, over the years, buried or caused people…

  • This Atari Retrospective Sets A New Standard For Game Anthologies

    This Atari Retrospective Sets A New Standard For Game Anthologies

    Yesterday in a Twitter thread, the gaming historian Frank Cifaldi said this about the work done by his organisation, the Video Game History Foundation: “We all know where the ROMs are hiding online. We don’t need games, we need CONTEXT to tell stories.” It helped me realise why I think Digital Eclipse’s new compilation of…