atomic live

  • Atomic Live 2008 Cosplay Final Video

    Here’s the final few minutes of the Atomic Live 2008 Cosplay competition, shot as a last second thought as there was some pretty good, and funny, work on show. The winner on the day was a very nice Altair from Assassin’s Creed, and the runner up? I don’t know if this joke has been busted…

  • Timezone Tekken 6 tournament changes

    New details for those keen to get in on the NSW State Finals for Timezone’s Tekken 6 tournament. Timezone has hooked up with the Atomic Live expo at Olympic Park, so all NSW entrants are being granted entry into the State Final for a massive elimination showdown at that event. Registration has been extended to…

  • Tomorrow: Atomic Live 07

    That’s right folks, Atomic is holding the second of its quasi-yearly tech and gaming events at Olympic Park this Saturday. Specifically the Badgery Pavilion. What can you expect at Live? Hardware vendors such as Gigabyte, ASUS, AMD and more will be showing their wares, along with Ubisoft, who will have PCs equipped with GRAW 2…