
  • The Amazing Spider-Man: The Kotaku Review

    There probably hasn’t ever been a superhero who hasn’t gone through the cycle of losing his/her powers, getting them back and becoming more powerful than ever. It’s been the same for video game series devoted to costumed crimefighters. With Rocksteady Studios’ Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, Batman’s currently enjoying the best titles ever made in…

  • The Amazing Spider-Man Battles Berzerk Robots

    After two games that weren’t exactly dripping with hot web-slinging action, developer Beenox takes things open world in the Amazing Spider-Man. How focused are they on swinging this time around? So focused that they haven’t noticed they’ve stolen the plot from a Robocop move.

  • Spider-Man: Edge Of Time Talks Me Into Enjoying It

    What defines Spider-Man? Is it his special powers? His great responsibilities? His Jenga prowess? No, true believers. Spider-Man’s most definitive trait is his witty banter, and double the Spider-Man means double the snappy patter right? Thank goodness Edge of Time had Peter David.