big plays
Brilliant Steal At The Dota 2 International Brings Key Arena To A Roar
The best play so far in this week’s Dota 2 International tournament was a steal that was both skillful and reckless. As Malaysian player Tue “Ahfu” Soon Chuan snuck into a pack of opposing Russian players and grabbed the loot they were going for, the crowd watching at Seattle’s Key Arena lost their minds.
Heroes Of The Storm Players Take Three Bullets For The Team, Still Survive
The Starcraft assassin Nova can be a terror like no other in Heroes of the Storm. CAN be. Thankfully one of her most powerful attacks can be countered thanks to the fine art of body blocking. A team in a recent HOTS game showed us all how to expertly brush the once-infuriating sniper.
The Best Kind Of Ezreal Ult In League Of Legends
Sometimes there are moments in League of Legends when everything lines up so perfectly that you end up knocking down all five of your opponents like the helpless bowling pins that they are. This is the story of one such moment.