comic books

  • Comic Book Covers Make Lousy Video Game Collectibles

    Comic Book Covers Make Lousy Video Game Collectibles

    First Marvel’s Avengers, now G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout. Over the past couple of months two video games, one a major release and one G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout, have rewarded my exploration and gameplay efforts with the front covers of classic comics. If you’re going to give me a comic book, give me the whole damn…

  • We Discuss HBO’s Unsettling New Watchmen TV Show

    Like the graphic novel did over 30 years ago, HBO’s adaptation of Watchmen immediately surprises viewers with one of the most arresting takes on a comic book in years. As fans of good television and good comic books, Kotaku’s Michael Fahey, Gita Jackson and Joshua Rivera gathered around the digital water cooler to talk about…