
  • Detective Pikachu Sequel Inches Closer To Being Real

    Detective Pikachu Sequel Inches Closer To Being Real

    Neo-noir comedy Pokémon: Detective Pikachu came out in 2019, and it was surprisingly good. In the era of risk-averse studios rebooting and remaking everything under the sun, a sequel seemed inevitable. Sure enough, one was already in development when the first debuted. No one’s heard about it since. Until today.

  • Detective Pikachu 2 May Still Exist, Even Be ‘Nearing Release’

    Detective Pikachu 2 May Still Exist, Even Be ‘Nearing Release’

    It’s been three years since The Pokémon Company announced Detective Pikachu 2 for the Nintendo Switch. And given the complete silence on the project since, you’d be forgiven for having completely forgotten it was ever a thing. However, due to a throwaway line on a developer’s LinkedIn profile, it seems it’s not only still extant,…