final fantasy xii the zodiac age
Final Fantasy 12 Runs Pretty Well On PC
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, a remastered version of the 2006 PS2 classic, came out on PC yesterday. Good news: the port is pretty solid.
Tips For Playing Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
Whether you’re visiting Ivalice for the first time or you’re already an expert at being Captain Basch fon Ronsenburg of Dalmasca, Final Fantasy XII can be an intimidating game. Fear not — we’ve got lots of tips.
Square Enix Fixed Vaan’s Freaky Abs In FF12: The Zodiac Age
In last year’s Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age trailer, it looked like we’d be stuck with Vaan’s spray-on abdominals. But now it seems like we won’t. Thank goodness for that!
A Remastered Final Fantasy XII Is Coming In 2017
Video: Square Enix is calling it Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age. Here’s the debut trailer.