from dust

  • Community Review: From Dust

    Around these parts, it’s been a while since we’ve seen a downloadable LIVE Arcade title receive the kind of hype and anticipation that From Dust received. Now that it’s out in the wild, what are your thoughts?

  • The Breath Of God In The Service Of Man

    I’ve played as army men, bounty hunters, spies and killers. I’ve built towering office buildings as a city planner. Raised beasts as a super being. Strategised as a world-conquering general. But I’ve never been the breath of god.

  • From Dust Continues to Dazzle

    From Dust continues to intrigue, yet we still haven’t 100% grasped precisely how the game will end up playing. although it’s undoubtedly a God game in the tradition of Populous and Black and White, the scale and art of the game is dazzling. The new vids, unearthed by Joystiq, seem to show a tiny bit…