Is Anyone Excited About PlayStation Now Yet?
34One of Sony’s hottest video game drawcards is the new cloud streaming service dubbed PS Now. The Gaikai-based platform will allow gamers to access classic PlayStation titles on their tablets and smartphones, including recent titles such as The Last of Us and Beyond: Two Souls. It sounds quite nifty on paper but anything touted as…
Sony Registered Domains For Something Called ‘PlayStation Cloud’
On Friday, Sony registered domains for URLs based on something called “PlayStation Cloud”, as discovered by Kotaku sleuth Superannuation today.
You May Already Own A PlayStation 4: The Sci-Fi Implications Of Gaikai
We can always count on the people at PlayStation for planting crazy ideas about the future of gaming in our heads. These are the people who advertised the PlayStation 3 with a commercial for the PlayStation 9, who told us that its PS2 games would look like Pixar movies and who once tried to convince…
Now You Can Play Dead Rising 2 In Your Web Browser
Capcom has teamed up with those magical people at Gaikai to deliver a 30-minute timed demo of Dead Rising 2 that runs in your Java-enabled web browser. Ain’t technology a thing?