game boy

  • My Eyes Hate Me for Loving This Impossibly Tiny Game Boy Clone

    My Eyes Hate Me for Loving This Impossibly Tiny Game Boy Clone

    If someone dared Nintendo to make the smallest handheld console imaginable, the results would be the FunKey S, a keychain-sized retro gaming machine that can emulate more than 10 different classic consoles. Only this console wasn’t made by Nintendo — instead, this pint-sized device was created by a group of retro enthusiasts whose love for…

  • Abandoned MF DOOM Game Sounded Cool

    Abandoned MF DOOM Game Sounded Cool

    News of MF DOOM’s death a couple of weeks ago led to an outpouring of tributes from artists around the world, from movie-makers to his peers and fans in the rap game, but one that caught my eye in particular was this project by Chafomon, an abandoned fan project for the Game Boy called MF…