gamers 4 croydon
Gabe Newell Pays Tribute To Gamers 4 Croydon In R18+ Version Of Left 4 Dead 2
19Back in the dark days, when Australia had no R18+ classification, we had to endure a terribly borked version of Left 4 Dead 2 after the game was initially refused classification. This annoyed David Lawrence Doe and Chris Prior so much that the pair started Gamers 4 Croydon, running directly against the man holding back…
Gamers 4 Croydon Decides To Not Press Continue
Australia first gamer rights political party, formed to run against former South Australian Attorney-General Michael Atkinson, has opt to close down and will not contest the upcoming federal election.
SCAG May Not Discuss R18+ At Next Meeting
With the next meeting of the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General just 41 days away, no one can obtain confirmation that the issue will even be discussed. But R18+ advocate Roland Kulen believes there are ways we can put pressure on the committee.
Gamers 4 Croydon Moves Beyond Croydon
The battle for an R18+ classification for videogames will move beyond Michael Atkinson’s seat of Croydon at this month’s South Australian election. Gamers 4 Croydon has announced it will stand a candidate in four more electorates.