heather’s indie pick

  • A Bullet-Hell Shooter About Loving Your Enemy

    A Bullet-Hell Shooter About Loving Your Enemy

    The Void Rains Upon Her Heart is an early access bullet-hell game available on PC. It’s all about earning randomised loot and learning to love the monsters you face. Random sequences of difficult bosses challenge the player to adjust their strategies, while special rewards augment your abilities and encourage risk-taking. It’s a colourful experience, perfect…

  • Tennis With A Bullet Hell Twist

    Tennis With A Bullet Hell Twist

    10S is a bullet-hell tennis game where each match is a frantic battle to survive. Strange dog enemies and massive bosses fill the screen with projectiles, all while you fire shot after shot at them. The amount of things you need to juggle and track to succeed is intimidating, but it makes each victory feel…