
  • Funko Collector Trades Rare Pops For Over $222,000 In Cadillacs

    Funko Collector Trades Rare Pops For Over $222,000 In Cadillacs

    Most Funko Pops are worthless and getting shoveled into landfills right now. But some are extremely rare, going for exorbitant prices in face-to-face meetups. One recent trade gets at just how bizarre the market for certain Funko Pops has gotten, with one collector apparently swapping half a dozen ‘Freddy Venom’ figures for two diesel-powered 2023…

  • Do You Have A Moment To Talk About I Am Jesus Christ Prologue?

    Do You Have A Moment To Talk About I Am Jesus Christ Prologue?

    You know when a game isn’t trying to be funny or even SUPPOSED to be funny, but the basic concept of its existence is so funny in itself that you can’t help but laugh anyway? That was my experience playing the I Am Jesus Christ prologue. When I Am Jesus Christ was first revealed to me, I…