majoras mask

  • The Games That Scared The Hell Out Of Us As Kids

    The Games That Scared The Hell Out Of Us As Kids

    As Halloween draws near, more and more people are loading up their favorite scary games to enjoy some digital frights. But this isn’t a new tradition. In fact, many of us here at Kotaku have been playing spooky, creepy games since we were old enough to pick up controllers or mash keyboards. And when you…

  • Players Find Holy Grail Of Majora’s Mask Speedrunning

    Every game has the one trick that speedrunners are searching for, the one trick that completely changes the game. Famously, Wind Waker speedruns were blown open once players found a way to break through an impassable barrier. For Majora’s Mask, the Holy Grail has always been warping directly to the final dungeon on the moon.…