nightdive studios

  • The Doom 64 Port Will Have A Brand New Chapter

    For a lot of people, buying DOOM Eternal this month will also be their first chance to experience DOOM 64. The DOOM 64 port is a pre-order bonus for Eternal, but there’s an extra bonus: the game has a whole extra chapter that wasn’t part of the original game.

  • The Original Code For System Shock Mac Is Now Open Source

    Nightdive Studios has released the Mac source code for the original System Shock under GPL. Recovered by OtherSide Entertainment, helmed by LGS’ very own Paul Neurath, all and sundry can now check it out on GitHub and even create their own versions. Not that this is likely to happen, given how ancient it is, but…

  • System Shock Remake Dumps Unity For Unreal Engine

    A game swapping engines mid-development is — to put it mildly — a risky proposition. Assets have to be redone, code ported or even cooked from scratch and developers have to acquaint themselves with new tools and workflows. However, in the case of Nightdive Studios and its System Shock remake and its surprise shift from…