rtx 3090

  • Everything We Know About Nvidia’s RTX 3090, 3080, 3070 GPUs

    Everything We Know About Nvidia’s RTX 3090, 3080, 3070 GPUs

    The next-gen GPUs are finally coming, and it’s Nvidia who will be first out of the gate for 2020. So if you’ve been keenly waiting for a new GPU to beef up your PC ahead of Cyberpunk 2077, or you’ve just been holding off for a long-awaited upgrade, here’s what we know about the upcoming RTX…

  • The RTX 3090 Just Got Well And Truly Confirmed

    The RTX 3090 Just Got Well And Truly Confirmed

    The link isn’t live now, but for a little while over the weekend, Micron had published a white paper that inadvertently talked up their next generation of memory modules. Which sounds boring as all hell, minus the part where they also spoke about the RTX 3090.