
  • We Played Anthem, And It’s Pretty Fun

    We Played Anthem, And It’s Pretty Fun

    I sat down with Anthem, BioWare’s upcoming shared-world third-person shooter, for 30 minutes today. I came away surprised at just how good it feels to move around in the game’s fantasy sci-fi world. Flying through its gorgeous environments on my way to kill some bad guys, fix an ancient relic, or take out a giant…

  • Far Cry 5: The Kotaku Review

    Far Cry 5: The Kotaku Review

    I’ve spent a long time trekking across Far Cry 5‘s fictional Hope County, Montana fighting the members of an apocalyptic cult led by a man called Joseph Seed, and I’m still not sure what their deal is. They drive around blasting weird Christian synth and shooting non-members on sight. It’s weird and terrifying and unsatisfyingly…

  • Mass Effect: Andromeda: The Kotaku Review

    Mass Effect: Andromeda: The Kotaku Review

    Mass Effect: Andromeda sprawls and sprawls, eagerly offering you so much to see and do, that it nearly loses itself in the process. In this massive and uncertain voyage into an alien galaxy, the best way to center yourself is to hold on to other people, and trust that the mission will accomplish at least…