
  • WarioWare Style Game Is A Masterclass In Fun Horror

    WarioWare Style Game Is A Masterclass In Fun Horror

    Video game horror looks different depending on where it is you happen to be looking. There were a few years there where action and survival horror games like Dead Space, a handful of Resident Evils, the Metro games, and Alien: Isolation dominated the conversation. It’s scary when a bunch of things want to kill you,…

  • The Twitch Streamers Who Put People To Sleep (Literally)

    I don’t know if I’ve ever been fully conscious for an entire David “Dog” Caero Twitch stream. The Hearthstone personality (and now inaugural Masters Tour champion) lives in Nevada, which means that when he hits the internet, it’s already twilight in my Brooklyn apartment. There’s nothing to blame but human chemistry; Hearthstone is a sedate…