Snakes on a Plane: 15 Years of Expletive Snakes and Expletive Planes
The phrase “Never judge a book by its cover” is almost always true, with a few unfortunate exceptions. One such exception is the 2006 film Snakes on a Plane. Those four words tell you everything you need to know about the movie: it’s about “snakes” that are “on a plane.” Why would snakes be on…
Finding A Snake In Your House: The Kotaku Review
I don’t have a problem with snakes, spiders, scorpions or any other small and potentially dangerous creatures that lurk outside. That’s their territory. I get it. But when one of these things comes into my apartment, I find it annoying. It also is a terrible thing to come home to in the middle of the…
Snake Gets Added To Google Maps
Snake, the game most famous for its appearance on ancient Nokia phones, is making a temporary comeback over the next day or two (depending on where you are in the world) with a version being added to Google Maps for an April 1 treat.
Here’s A New Take On Snake For You To Try
If you ever owned an old black and white Nokia phone, you probably sunk heaps of hours into the game Snake. I did, which is why this hexagonal reimagining of the game by programmer Alex J Mundiñano is so engaging.