Nicki Minaj Swatted In Apparent Prank For The Third Time This Year
Having moved on from swatting people trying to make a living on Twitch, internet weirdos are now swatting real-life celebrities.
Trans Twitch Streamer Keffals Now ‘In Hiding’ After Second Dox Attack
Trans Canadian Twitch streamer and political commentator Clara “Keffals” Sorrenti recently suffered from a second attack in what is shaping up to be a hellish summer, she revealed in an August 18 YouTube video.
Nazi Moron Arrested Over Multiple Swatting Calls
Last week the FBI arrested 19 year-old John William Kirby Kelley, who it’s alleged was part of a group responsible for a range of dangerous swatting incidents. Kelley was also, and I type this with my most surprised face, part of a number of openly racist Steam groups.
Fortnite’s Teenage World Champ Swatted Live On Stream
Kyle “Bugha” Giersdorf, the newly-crowned 16 year-old Fortnite World Cup solo champion, was playing the game in a stream last night when his home was “swatted”.