the taken king
More Games Should Steal Destiny’s Mayhem Mode
First introduced with The Taken King and reappearing over the weekend, Mayhem is a specialist mode within Destiny’s PvP that basically turns everything up to 11. It’s not available as a permanent game type, but it damn well should be, and every other FPS should have it as well.
We Talk To The Director Of Destiny: The Taken King
Today on Kotaku Splitscreen, we’ve got a very special guest: Destiny: The Taken King director Luke Smith.
Destiny: The Taken King Leaves Players Who Didn’t Upgrade Behind
Are you a Destiny player with no interest in buying The Taken King? You might want to find another game to play.
Why The Taken King Is Destiny’s Redeemer
I recently visited Bungie’s mall-sized Mother Base for the second time in my life, and the emotions inside me were the utter opposite of the fangasm I felt in 2014. Year-ago-Adam was wowed by the scale of this Graceland. He was ecstatic to see the first reveal of a 10-year thing called Destiny. His notepad…