uncanny valley
Video Game Faces Might Finally Start Bridging The Uncanny Valley
Photorealistic faces in video games have been with us for a while, but they’ve still been a long way from what you’d call realistic, as while we’ve got the polygons and texturing almost perfected, facial animations remain are still stuck in the depths of the uncanny valley.
A Retro Horror Game Pulled Right From Silent Hill
You don’t need a giant budget to scare the living daylights out of somebody — some of the most frightening experiences are done on a shoestring budget. I hope that proves to be the case with Uncanny Valley.
The Uncanny Valley Is Now Scientific Fact
The notion of the “Uncanny Valley”, where artificial people are more disturbing the closer they come to “reality”, has been around for ages. But now, thanks to a research team in San Diego, it’s bonafide science.