
  • V Rising, As Told By Steam Reviews

    V Rising, As Told By Steam Reviews

    One of the most popular Steam games right now is V Rising, a vampiric action-survival role-playing game by Stunlock Studios. The game is tearing up the charts, with some 95,000 people playing it at any given time according to Steam Charts. Most telling, though, is V Rising’s reception on Valve’s PC gaming platform, which is…

  • Hoo-Wee, Y’all! Evil West Has Been Gosh-Darn Rated In Australia

    Hoo-Wee, Y’all! Evil West Has Been Gosh-Darn Rated In Australia

    Firstly, please read the headline in a sickly-sweet, southern-belle accent. Evil West, the second Flying Wild Hog game release of this year, has now been rated in Australia. The Australian Classification board handed down its ruling a few days ago, awarding the game an MA15+ rating. According to the rating, it says the game contains “strong…