
  • Wrap-o-matic: The Weekend

    There was actually a LOT you missed over the weekend. Well worth bouncing back through the pages to catch a lot of big news. Here’s just a sampler of the highlights, but there is seriously more tucked away in here for those willing to wander back through the last 10 pages of stories. Former ESA…

  • Wrap-o-matic: Monday Night

    Rock Band dated! Now to hunt down the back of the couch for a spare few oranges and pineapples in the hope of affording to live through the upcoming release bonanza. NBA 2K9 Introduces Living Rosters Keeping up with the life and times of the ’09 season. Civ IV: Colonization Review: Once More, With(out) Feeling…

  • Wrap-o-matic: Tuesday Night

    The 100 Retailer Pop Quiz – What Gaming Console Should We Buy? USA it may be, but I’d be an EB VIP card that this experience would be closely reflected out here. The Force Unleashed Review: As If Millions of Star Wars Fans Suddenly Cried Out Is force-centric butt-kicking as awesome as it sounds? Geoff…

  • (My Last) Wrap-o-matic: Thursday Night

    Well, today’s my last day as editor of Kotaku Australia. Which means, oddly enough, this is my last morning wrap. Thanks for putting up with me folks; I hope I was able to both entertain and inform, or even just one of those. Though probably the latter, really, with a bit of the former for…