yoichi wada
Fate/Grand Order Director Is Going Independent
Yousuke Shiokawa, the director of the massively successful free-to-play Fate/Grand Order, has left his executive position as creative officer at Delightworks just as its game division was spun off and is set to be acquired by Sony-owned Aniplex.
Former Square Enix Honcho Talks About Cloud Gaming’s Future
Last month, Former Square Enix top man Yoichi Wada announced that he would be helming a new company named “Shinra Technologies.” No, they’re not going to try to drain the planet of its life force to use as energy. Yet.
Rumour: Ex-Square Enix Developer Defends Recently Axed Boss
Yoichi Wada, Square Enix’s president, is stepping down. The news came as a surprise. Wada has been Square Enix’s only president since Square and Enix joined forces. Some are happy about this. Others are not.
If There Were A Final Fantasy VII Remake, Final Fantasy Would Be Finished
Another day, another request for a Final Fantasy VII remake. The game was released in early 1997, and there are still calls for a remake. Endless calls.