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Helldivers 2 Robots Strike Back: Gunships, Walking Tanks Everywhere
Helldivers 2 Robots Strike Back: Gunships, Walking Tanks Everywhere
After Helldivers 2 players finally liberated Malevelon Creek, the Automatons have struck back, deploying terrifying new enemies in retaliation/
Aussie Developers On Games Conventions And What They Actually Do For Indies
Aussie Developers On Games Conventions And What They Actually Do For Indies

We speak to three Australian game developers at The Game Expo about boothing at cons, and why it's become so important despite, the cost.

Is This Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Detail An Oversight Or Incredible Foreshadowing?
Is This Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Detail An Oversight Or Incredible Foreshadowing?

A small but significant detail in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth feels like foreshadowing, but is it? Let's discuss.

New Research Suggests Some Gamers' Eyes See More FPS
New Research Suggests Some Gamers' Eyes See More FPS

This feels like a biohack but ok.

New York Times Simulator Is A Gripping Exploration Of Modern Media Pitfalls
New York Times Simulator Is A Gripping Exploration Of Modern Media Pitfalls
New York Times Simulator is a new Itch game that gives everyday players an insight into what it takes to maintain a media outlet in 2024.
Open Roads: The Kotaku Review
Open Roads: The Kotaku Review

Open Roads is a game that feels primed to make you reminisce, constantly dredging up old memories in the player's mind.

Twitch Streamer Prangs Car While Streaming
Twitch Streamer Prangs Car While Streaming

Let MeltIsLIVE, aka Melt be a warning to you: don't use your phone while driving, and certainly don't use it to stream behind the wheel.

Tastes Change: 60% Of Games Played In 2023 Were Older Live Service
Tastes Change: 60% Of Games Played In 2023 Were Older Live Service

New data shows that just 66 titles accounted for 80% of all playtime in 2023. 60% of that playtime was spent in games six years old or older.

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